How Do You Present Activity To A Child Schools In Ahmedabad?

Nursery School In Ahmedabad - Ananda Global School

Slow Down

Really slowly slow to the point of being unpleasant. Slower than you would expect.  Schools In Ahmedabad maybe not that slowly after all. But in all seriousness, I devote the first hour to setting up processes for pair sharing and going through classroom regulations in a pleasant and interactive way. After that, we create Daily 5 processes. Slowly.

Go slowly to ensure that none of your kids miss anything. My goal is for my students to understand the rules of our classroom and what is expected of them.

All Models in Schools in Ahmedabad

Show others how to do things correctly in Best Preschool In Ahmedabad. Show others how to do things incorrectly. Then, demonstrate how to do things correctly.

Although Daily 5 has proven this, you can apply it to anything you want them to complete. Put papers away, form a line, etc.

Imitate it. Students should practice it. Students should practice doing it incorrectly. Have the same kids re-do it properly after that.


When you observe improper behavior, stop and change your course (or when something annoys you). Then continue to model. Mention the behavior. Do not humiliate or degrade the students, but do address incorrect behavior. Students will believe they can get away with it if you don't!

Feel Hopeful

This year, I've made the decision to emphasize effective behavior management. Negative comments don't actually help the pupils I need to rein in, I've learned (I don't know how it took me 16 years to realize this!). The most challenging students I have don't react to punishment.

Most of my pupils can be kept in line with polite reminders by simply developing solid practices and routines.

More critical feedback is unnecessary for my most difficult students. Nursery School In Ahmedabad They consume enough of it at home and have in the past. This year, I have one child who is constantly pushing my buttons. It's been difficult to catch myself and try to change my behavior rather than become judgmental and adopt a punitive attitude. But I'm trying!

Accept Your Shortcomings And Phobias.

Demonstrate to the pupils that you are a real person. This week, there was a period when I couldn't locate a particular set of papers. There were moments when I made a mistaken statement (learning new processes is hard).

Admit Your Ignorance Of The Situation

It will allay their worries. Wimberley Worried (affiliate link) was the book we read on the second day of class this week. I acknowledged my concern that I won't instruct them effectively. I also acknowledged my concern that they wouldn't like me.

Be More Prepared Than You Think You'll Need

For the first few days or even weeks, over-plan until you learn the rhythm of your classroom. It's preferable to have more cash on hand than you anticipate needing.

Your classroom will naturally ebb and flow after a few weeks. Things will start to make sense, and you'll start to understand how each day should go. Plan ahead until then.

Create Some Filler Or Sponge Tasks.

Have a few fast tasks ready to go for those additional 10 minutes when you don't have time for a full session but still want to complete the following activity.

  • Breathe
  • Inhale
  • Exhale
  • Relax

Give yourself some alone time. Give yourself a cup of tea, a massage, a pedicure, or a coffee. Anything that enables you to relax and think. I keep going and going and going, and during the first few weeks of school, I frequently forget about myself. It's crucial to give yourself time.

I wish you a stress-free start to the CBSE School Ahmedabad year and wonderful little learners for your pupils.


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